Golang Memory Dump 예제

2020. 4. 22. 22:49Development/Golang

C언어에서 hexdump 같은게 없을까 찾는 분께 도움이 되길

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Let's print out architecture and pointer size. This will help us in
    // understanding the memory layout later in the program.
    fmt.Printf("architecture: %s\n", runtime.GOARCH)
    var ptr uintptr
    ptrSize = int(unsafe.Sizeof(ptr))
    fmt.Printf("pointer size: %d\n\n", ptrSize)
    // If you see a 4 output for the pointer size that means a pointer is
    // represented by 4 bytes on your computer. This means you are running on
    // a 32 bit architecture. A 64 bit architecture would have twice as many
    // bytes for a pointer (8).

    // Now let's dive into dumping out the memory for the slice. Let's use
    // make to create a slice value (Note: I shortened the len/cap that you
    // had to make dumping out the memory a bit easier).
    arr1 := make([]int, 5, 10)

    // You can use this handy rawAccess function to get a []byte of the memory
    // for any variable in Go! Pretty cool eh?!
    mem1 := rawAccess(unsafe.Pointer(&arr1), int(unsafe.Sizeof(arr1)))

    // Now let's dump this memory out.
    fmt.Println("dumping slice created via make(...):")
    fmt.Printf("  address: %p\n", &arr1)
    fmt.Printf("  sizeof: %d\n", unsafe.Sizeof(arr1))
    fmt.Printf("  dump: %s\n\n", strings.Replace(strings.Trim(hex.Dump(mem1), "\n"), "\n", "\n        ", -1))

    // You should now see a bit of memory dumped out in hex. This can be a bit
    // hard to read if you are not used to it so I will explain what is going
    // on using a 32 bit example. A 64 bit just has double the amount of
    // bytes.

    // Let's take that last line that contains the dump:
    //     dump: 00000000  30 e0 44 00 05 00 00 00  0a 00 00 00  |0.D.........|
    // The first section that is all 0s is the offset for this dump.
    // Specifically, this is the offset for the first byte on that line. Since
    // we are dumping our own bit of memory this will always start at 0. If
    // you run this program on a 64 bit machine it will have another line
    // showing the value 10 which is in hex and means "this next byte, yea,
    // that is the 16th byte my friend!"). This information isn't useful for
    // our experiment but is good to know.
    // Next we have the sets of 4 bytes (on 64 bit this will be three sections
    // of 8 bytes). We can inspect each of these bytes here:
    //     30 e0 44 00
    //     05 00 00 00
    //     0a 00 00 00
    // That first one looks a bit weird so let's come back to that.
    // The second one is the value 5. Since this architecture is little endian
    // that means the least significant values are lower in memory and come
    // first in our byte slice. As a result we read left to right. So
    // `05 00 00 00` reads as the value 5. Hey, that was the length of our
    // array! Nice!
    // We can decode the third one in the same way. `0a 00 00 00` decodes as
    // the value a which in hex is 10. Of course! This is our length.
    // Now let's take a look at that first, suspicious looking set of bytes.
    // Since this is a large number it might be a pointer. How about we assume
    // that it is and read the bit of memory it is pointing at.

    // Let's cut out those bits of our slice for easy access.
    first := mem1[:ptrSize]             // pointer to data
    second := mem1[ptrSize : ptrSize*2] // length
    third := mem1[ptrSize*2:]           // capacity

    // This is a way of interpreting the first bytes as a pointer in Go.
    dataPtr := pointerSlice(first)

    // And this is how we read the len and cap bytes into ints.
    length := intSlice(second)
    capacity := intSlice(third)

    // We can then use that pointer to get raw access to that bit of memory:
    // Lets dump out the memory up to the length:
    dataMemLen := rawAccess(dataPtr, length*int(unsafe.Sizeof(mem1[0])))
    // and also the capacity:
    dataMemCap := rawAccess(dataPtr, capacity*int(unsafe.Sizeof(mem1[0])))

    fmt.Println("dumping data for slice created via make(...):")
    fmt.Printf("  address: %p\n", dataPtr)
    fmt.Printf("  len: %d\n", length)
    fmt.Printf("  lendump: %s\n", strings.Replace(strings.Trim(hex.Dump(dataMemLen), "\n"), "\n", "\n        ", -1))
    fmt.Printf("  cap: %d\n", capacity)
    fmt.Printf("  capdump: %s\n\n", strings.Replace(strings.Trim(hex.Dump(dataMemCap), "\n"), "\n", "\n        ", -1))

    // Interesting, there is all zeros here. That must be the backing array for
    // the slice! So cool!

    // So, we now know that a slice consists of three values:
    //     - A pointer to the backing array where the data is actually stored.
    //     - An integer value for the length.
    //     - An integer value for the capacity.

    // Knowing this, let's now dump the slice created with new(...) and see
    // what it does.
    arr2 := new([]int)

    mem2 := rawAccess(unsafe.Pointer(&arr2), int(unsafe.Sizeof(arr2)))

    fmt.Println("dumping slice created via new(...):")
    fmt.Printf("  address: %p\n", &arr2)
    fmt.Printf("  sizeof: %d\n", unsafe.Sizeof(arr2))
    fmt.Printf("  dump: %s\n\n", strings.Replace(strings.Trim(hex.Dump(mem2), "\n"), "\n", "\n        ", -1))

    // So this is an interesting result:
    //    50 a1 40 00
    // We just have a single 4 byte value that looks like a pointer. I guess we
    // should follow the pointer and see what it is pointing at:

    dataPtr2 := pointerSlice(mem2)
    dataMem2 := rawAccess(dataPtr2, int(unsafe.Sizeof(arr1)))

    fmt.Println("dumping mem for what new(...) is pointing at:")
    fmt.Printf("  address: %p\n", dataPtr2)
    fmt.Printf("  dump: %s\n\n", strings.Replace(strings.Trim(hex.Dump(dataMem2), "\n"), "\n", "\n        ", -1))

    // Interesting, this is the three values we were looking at before,
    // however, this time they are all zeros. So, what it looks like is that
    // new() created a pointer to a zero initialized slice. This would be
    // equivalent to this:
    //     var mySlicePtr &Slice{}
    // That is, if our slice was defined as a struct. Hey, isn't Go implemented
    // in Go? I wonder if the slice type is defined as a struct somehere?
    // https://github.com/golang/go/blob/a1c481d85139f77ab27210526f9dfa2f3b375ef9/src/runtime/slice.go#L13-L17
    // What do you know, it is! So cool!

var ptrSize int

func rawAccess(p unsafe.Pointer, len int) []byte {
    return (*(*[0xFF]byte)(p))[:len]

// pinterSlice will give you back a pointer where the value is the bytes in the
// slice you provided. This might cause go vet to complain because we are doing
// things it doesn't like.
func pointerSlice(in []byte) unsafe.Pointer {
    var uintPtr uintptr
    switch ptrSize {
    case 8: // 64 bit
        uintPtr = uintptr(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(in))
    case 4: // 32 bit
        uintPtr = uintptr(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(in))
        log.Panicf("This architecture is not supported: %d", ptrSize)
    return unsafe.Pointer(uintPtr)

// intSlice will give you back the integer value of the bytes in the slice you
// provided.
func intSlice(in []byte) int {
    switch ptrSize {
    case 8: // 64 bit
        return int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(in))
    case 4: // 32 bit
        return int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(in))
    log.Panicf("This architecture is not supported: %d", ptrSize)
    return 0