Rekall info

2018. 3. 22. 01:58보안 & 해킹/정보 보안

      Command           Provider Class                           Docs                       
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------------------------------------
                     ELFPlugins           Baseclass for all ELF plugins.                    
                     BaseSessionCommand   Base class for all session management plugins.    
address_resolver     DarwinAddressResolve A Darwin specific address resolver plugin.        
address_resolver     WindowsAddressResolv A windows specific address resolver plugin.       
address_resolver     LinuxAddressResolver A Linux specific address resolver plugin.         
address_resolver     LinuxAPIAddressResol A Linux specific address resolver plugin.         
address_resolver     PEAddressResolver    A simple address resolver for PE files.           
aff4acquire          AFF4Acquire          Copy the physical address space to an AFF4 file.  
aff4dump             AFF4Dump             Dump the entire resolver contents for an AFF4     
aff4export           AFF4Export           Exports all the streams in an AFF4 Volume.        
aff4ls               AFF4Ls               List the content of an AFF4 file.                 
agent                RekallAgent          The Rekall DFIR Agent.                            
allproc              DarwinAllProcCollect                                                   
analyze_struct       AnalyzeStruct        A plugin to analyze a memory location.            
api                  APIGenerator         Generate the plugin API document.                 
arp                  Arp                  print the ARP table.                              
arp                  DarwinArp            Show information about arp tables.                
artifact_collector   ArtifactsCollector   Collects artifacts.                               
artifact_list        ArtifactsList        List details about all known artifacts.           
artifact_view        ArtifactsView                                                          
atoms                Atoms                Print session and window station atom tables.     
atomscan             AtomScan             Pool scanner for _RTL_ATOM_TABLE                  
banner               Banner               Prints the Linux banner information.              
bash                 BashHistory          Scan the bash process for history.                
boot_cmdline         DarwinBootParameters Prints the kernel command line.                   
build_index          BuildIndex           Generate a profile index file based on an index   
build_local_profile  BuildProfileLocally  Download and builds a profile locally in one step.
callback_scan        CallbackScan         Print system-wide notification routines by        
                                          scanning for them.                                
callbacks            Callbacks            Enumerate callback routines.                      
cc                   WindowsSetProcessCon A cc plugin for windows.                          
cc                   LinuxSetProcessConte A cc plugin for windows.                          
cc                   DarwinSetProcessCont A cc plugin for windows.                          
cc                   APISetProcessContext A cc plugin for setting process context to live   
cc                   SetPartitionContext                                                    
certscan             CertYaraScan         Scan certificates in windows memory regions.      
check_afinfo         CheckAFInfo          Verifies the operation function pointers of       
                                          network protocols.                                
check_creds          CheckCreds           Checks if any processes are sharing credential    
check_idt            CheckIdt              Checks if the IDT has been altered               
check_modules        CheckModules         Compares module list to sysfs info, if available. 
check_pehooks        CheckPEHooks         Checks a pe file mapped into memory for hooks.    
check_proc_fops      CheckProcFops        Checks the proc filesystem for hooked f_ops.      
check_syscall        CheckSyscall         Checks if the system call table has been altered. 
check_syscalls       DarwinCheckSysCalls  Checks the syscall table.                         
check_task_fops      CheckTaskFops        Check open files in tasks for f_ops modifications.
check_trap_table     CheckTrapTable       Checks the traps table for hooks.                 
check_ttys           CheckTTY             Checks tty devices for hooks.                     
clipboard            Clipboard            Extract the contents of the windows clipboard     
cmdscan              CmdScan              Extract command history by scanning for           
collect              Collect              Collect instances of struct of type 'type_name'.  
connections          Connections                                                            
connscan             ConnScan              Scan Physical memory for _TCPT_OBJECT objects    
                                          (tcp connections)                                 
consoles             Consoles             Enumerate command consoles.                       
consolescan          ConsoleScan          Extract command history by scanning for           
convert_profile      ConvertProfile       Convert a profile from another program to the     
                                          Rekall format.                                    
cpuinfo              CpuInfo              Prints information about each active processor.   
dead_fileprocs       DarwinDeadFileprocCo                                                   
dead_procs           DarwinDeadProcessCol Lists dead processes using the proc allocation    
                     lector               zone.                                             
dead_sessions        DarwinSessionZoneCol                                                   
dead_sockets         DarwinSocketZoneColl                                                   
dead_ttys            DarwinTTYZoneCollect                                                   
dead_vnodes          DarwinZoneVnodeColle                                                   
describe             Describe             Describe the output of a plugin.                  
desktops             WinDesktops          Print information on each desktop.                
devicetree           DeviceTree           Show device tree.                                 
dis                  Disassemble          Disassemble the given offset.                     
dlldump              DLLDump              Dump DLLs from a process address space            
dlllist              WinDllList           Prints a list of dll modules mapped into each     
dmesg                DarwinDMSG           Print the kernel debug messages.                  
dmesg                LinuxDmesg           Gathers dmesg buffer.                             
dns_cache            WinDNSCache          Dump the windows DNS resolver cache.              
driverirp            DriverIrp            Driver IRP hook detection                         
driverscan           DriverScan           Scan for driver objects _DRIVER_OBJECT            
dt                   DT                   Print a struct or other symbol.                   
dtbscan              DTBScan              Scans the physical memory for DTB values.         
dump                 Dump                 Hexdump an object or memory location.             
dump_zone            DarwinDumpZone       Dumps an allocation zone's contents.              
dumpcompressedmemory DarwinDumpCompressed Dumps all compressed pages.                       
dumpfiles            DumpFiles            Dump files from memory.                           
dwarfparser          DwarfParser          Parse the dwarf file and dump a vtype structure   
                                          from it.                                          
elf_sections         ELFSections                                                            
elf_versions_needed  ELFVerNeeded                                                           
elf_versions_symbols ELFVerSymbols                                                          
eventhooks           WinEventHooks        Print details on windows event hooks              
evtlogs              EvtLogs              Extract Windows Event Logs (XP/2003 only)         
ewfacquire           EWFAcquire           Copy the physical address space to an EWF file.   
fetch_pdb            FetchPDB             Fetch the PDB file for an executable from the     
                                          Microsoft PDB server.                             
file_yara            FileYaraScanner      Yara scanner which operates on files.             
filescan             FileScan              Scan Physical memory for _FILE_OBJECT pool       
find                 IRFind               List files recursively from a root path.          
find_dtb             DarwinFindDTB        Tries to find the DTB address for the Darwin/XNU  
find_dtb             LinuxFindDTB         A scanner for DTB values. Handles both 32 and 64  
find_dtb             WinFindDTB           A plugin to search for the Directory Table Base   
                                          for windows systems.                              
find_kaslr           DarwinFindKASLR      A scanner for KASLR slide values in the Darwin    
fls                  FLS                                                                    
fls                  TSKFls                                                                 
fstat                FStat                Print information by filename.                    
gahti                Gahti                Dump the USER handle type information.            
getservicesids       GetServiceSids       Get the names of services in the Registry and     
                                          return Calculated SID                             
glob                 IRGlob               Search for files by filename glob.                
grep                 Grep                 Search an address space for keywords.             
guess_guid           GuessGUID            Try to guess the exact version of a kernel module 
                                          by using an index.                                
handles              Handles              Print list of open handles for each process       
handles              DarwinHandles        Walks open files of each proc and collects the    
hash                 IRHash                                                                 
heapdump             HeapChunkDumper      Dumps allocated/freed chunks from selected        
heapinfo             HeapOverview         Tries to gather a list of all arenas/heaps and all
                                          allocated chunks.                                 
heapobjects          HeapObjects          Prints the structs of heap objects (such as       
                                          allocated chunks, arenas,                         
heaprefs             HeapReferenceSearch  Examines the data part of the given chunk for     
                                          references to other                               
heapsearch           HeapPointerSearch    Searches all chunks for the given string, regex or
hexdump_file         IRDump               Hexdump files from disk.                          
hivedump             HiveDump             Prints out a hive                                 
hives                Hives                List all the registry hives on the system.        
hooks_eat            EATHooks             Detect EAT hooks in process and kernel memory     
hooks_iat            IATHooks             Detect IAT/EAT hooks in process and kernel memory 
hooks_inline         InlineHooks          Detect API hooks in process and kernel memory     
hostname             Hostname                                                               
idump                IDump                Dump a part of an MFT file.                       
iexport              IExport              Extracts files from NTFS.                         
ifconfig             DarwinIfnetCollector                                                   
ifconfig             Ifconfig             Gathers active interfaces.                        
ils                  ILS                  List files in an NTFS image.                      
imagecopy            ImageCopy            Copies a physical address space out as a raw DD   
imageinfo            ImageInfo            List overview information about this image.       
impscan              ImpScan              Scan for calls to imported functions.             
info                 Info                 Print information about various subsystems.       
inspect_heap         InspectHeap          Inspect the process heap.                         
inspect_vaddr        MemoryTranslation    Inspect the mapping of a virtual address.         
iomem                IOmem                mimics /proc/iomem.                               
ip_filters           DarwinIPFilters      Check IP Filters for hooks.                       
istat                IStat                Print information related to an MFT entry.        
json_render          JSONParser           Renders a json rendering file, as produced by the 
kdbgscan             KDBGScan             Scan for possible _KDDEBUGGER_DATA64 structures.  
keepassx             Keepassx             Gathers password entries for keepassx.            
kpcr                 KPCR                 A plugin to print all KPCR blocks.                
l                    Lister               A plugin to list objects.                         
ldrmodules           LdrModules           Detect unlinked DLLs                              
live                 Live                 Launch a Rekall shell for live analysis on the    
                                          current system.                                   
load_as              LoadAddressSpace     Load address spaces into the session if its not   
                                          already loaded.                                   
load_plugin          LoadPlugins          Load user provided plugins.                       
load_profile         LoadWindowsProfile   Loads the profile into the session.               
lookup               Lookup               Lookup a global in the profile.                   
lsmod                Lsmod                Gathers loaded kernel modules.                    
lsmod                DarwinLsmod          Lists all kernel modules.                         
lsmod_parameters     Lsmod_parameters     Display parameters for all kernel modules.        
lsmod_sections       LsmodSections        Display all the ELF sections of kernel modules.   
lsof                 DarwinLsof           Walks open files of each proc in order and prints 
                                          PID, FD and the handle.                           
lsof                 Lsof                 Lists open files.                                 
lsof                 APILsof              A plugin which lists all open files.              
machine_info         DarwinMachineInfo    Show information about this machine.              
malfind              Malfind              Find hidden and injected code                     
manage_repo          ManageRepository     Manages the profile repository.                   
maps                 IRMaps               Examine the process memory maps.                  
maps                 DarwinMaps           Display the process maps.                         
maps                 ProcMaps             Gathers process maps for linux.                   
mcat                 Mcat                 Returns the contents available in memory for a    
                                          given file.                                       
memdump              WinMemDump           Dump windows processes.                           
memdump              DarwinMemDump        Dumps the memory map for darwin tasks.            
memdump              LinMemDump           Dump the addressable memory for a process.        
memmap               LinMemMap            Dumps the memory map for linux tasks.             
memmap               DarwinMemMap         Prints the memory map for darwin tasks.           
memmap               WinMemMap            Calculates the memory regions mapped by a process.
messagehooks         WinMessageHooks      List desktop and thread window message hooks.     
mfind                Mfind                Finds a file by name in memory.                   
mftdump              MftDump              Enumerate MFT entries from the cache manager.     
mimikatz             Mimikatz             Extract and decrypt passwords from the LSA        
                                          Security Service.                                 
miranda              Miranda                                                                
mls                  Mls                  Lists the files in a mounted filesystem.          
mmls                 TskMmls                                                                
moddump              ModDump              Dump kernel drivers from kernel space.            
moddump              Moddump              Dumps loaded kernel modules.                      
modscan              ModScan              Scan Physical memory for _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY    
modules              Modules              Print list of loaded kernel modules.              
moo                  RekallBovineExperien Renders Bessy the cow and some beer.              
mount                Mount                Lists the mount points.                           
mount                DarwinMount          Show mount points.                                
mutantscan           MutantScan           Scan for mutant objects _KMUTANT                  
netscan              WinNetscan           Scan a Vista, 2008 or Windows 7 image for         
                                          connections and sockets                           
netstat              DarwinNetstat        Prints all open sockets we know about, from any   
netstat              WinNetstat           Enumerate image for connections and sockets       
netstat              Netstat              Print the active network connections.             
notifier_chains      NotifierChainPlugin  Outputs and verifies kernel notifier chains.      
notifiers            DarwinNotifiers      Detects hooks in I/O Kit IONotify objects.        
null                 Null                 This plugin does absolutely nothing.              
object_tree          ObjectTree           Visualize the kernel object tree.                 
object_types         Objects              Displays all object Types on the system.          
open_sockets         DarwinSocketsFromHan Looks up handles that point to a socket and       
                     dles                 collects the socket.                              
osquery              OSQuery              Runs the OSQuery query and emit the results.      
p                    Printer              A plugin to print an object.                      
pagefiles            Pagefiles            Report all the active pagefiles.                  
parse_pdb            ParsePDB             Parse the PDB streams.                            
pas2vas              WinPas2Vas           Resolves a physical address to a virtual addrress 
                                          in a process.                                     
pas2vas              LinPas2Vas           Resolves a physical address to a virtual addrress 
                                          in a process.                                     
pas2vas              DarwinPas2Vas        Resolves a physical address to a virtual addrress 
                                          in a process.                                     
pedump               PEDump               Dump a PE binary from memory.                     
peinfo               PEInfo               Print information about a PE binary.              
pfn                  PFNInfo              Prints information about an address from the PFN  
pgrphash             DarwinPgrpHashCollec                                                   
phys_map             WinPhysicalMap       Prints the boot physical memory map.              
phys_map             DarwinPhysicalMap    Prints the EFI boot physical memory map.          
pidhash              DarwinPidHashProcess                                                   
pidhashtable         PidHashTable         List processes by enumerating the pid hash tables.
pkt_queues           PacketQueues         Dumps the current packet queues for all known open
pool_tracker         PoolTracker          Enumerate pool tag usage statistics.              
pools                Pools                Prints information about system pools.            
printkey             PrintKey             Print a registry key, and its subkeys and values  
privileges           Privileges           Prints process privileges.                        
procdump             ProcExeDump          Dump a process to an executable file sample       
procinfo             ProcInfo             Dump detailed information about a running process.
psaux                DarwinPSAUX          List processes with their commandline.            
psaux                PSAux                Gathers processes along with full command line and
                                          start time.                                       
pslist               DarwinPslist                                                           
pslist               WinPsList            List processes for windows.                       
pslist               APIPslist            A live pslist plugin using the APIs.              
pslist               LinuxPsList          Gathers active tasks by walking the               
                                          task_struct->task list.                           
psscan               PSScan               Scan Physical memory for _EPROCESS pool           
pstree               LinPSTree            Shows the parent/child relationship between       
pstree               DarwinPsTree                                                           
pstree               PSTree               Print process list as a tree                      
psxview              DarwinPsxView                                                          
psxview              LinuxPsxView         Find hidden processes comparing various process   
psxview              WindowsPsxView       Find hidden processes with various process        
ptov                 PtoV                 Converts a physical address to a virtual address. 
raise_the_roof       RaisingTheRoof       A plugin that exists to break your tests and make 
                                          you cry.                                          
rammap               WinRammap            Scan all physical memory and report page owners.  
raw2dmp              Raw2Dump             Convert the physical address space to a crash     
regdump              RegDump              Dump all registry hives from memory into a dump   
route                DarwinRoute          Show routing table.                               
run                  Run                  A plugin which runs its argument (using eval).    
run_flow             RunFlow              Run the flows specified.                          
sdel                 SessionDelete        Delete a session.                                 
search               Search                                                                 
services             Services             Enumerate all services.                           
session_api          APISessionGenerator                                                    
sessions             DarwinSessions       Finds sessions by walking their global hashtable. 
sessions             Sessions             List details on _MM_SESSION_SPACE (user logon     
shell                InteractiveShell     An interactive shell for Rekall.                  
shimcachemem         ShimCacheMem         Extract the Application Compatibility Shim Cache  
                                          from kernel memory.                               
show_allocation      ShowAllocation       Show the allocation containing the address.       
show_referrer_alloc  FindReferenceAlloc   Show allocations that refer to an address.        
sigscan              LinuxSigScan         Runs a signature scans against physical, kernel or
                                          process memory.                                   
sigscan              DarwinSigScan        Runs a signature scans against physical, kernel or
                                          process memory.                                   
sigscan              WinSigScan           Runs a signature scans against physical, kernel or
                                          process memory.                                   
simple_certdump      CertDump             Dump certs found by cert scan.                    
simple_certscan      CertScan             Dump RSA private and public SSL keys from the     
                                          physical address space.                           
simple_yarascan      SimpleYaraScan       A Simple plugin which only yarascans the physical 
                                          Address Space.                                    
slist                SessionList          List the sessions available.                      
smod                 SessionMod           Modifies parameters of the current analysis       
snew                 SessionNew           Creates a new session by cloning the current one. 
sockets              Sockets                                                                
ssdt                 WinSSDT              Enumerate the SSDT.                               
sswitch              SessionSwitch        Changes the current session to the session with   
stat                 IRStat                                                                 
svcscan              SvcScan              Scan for Windows services                         
symlinkscan          SymLinkScan          Scan for symbolic link objects                    
sysctl               DarwinSysctl         Dumps the sysctl database.                        
system_info          SystemInfo           Just emit information about the agent.            
tasks                DarwinTaskProcessCol                                                   
terminals            DarwinTerminals      Lists open ttys.                                  
thrdscan             ThrdScan             Scan physical memory for _ETHREAD objects         
threads              Threads              Enumerate threads.                                
timers               Timers               Print kernel timers and associated module DPCs.   
times                WindowsTimes         Return current time, as known to the kernel.      
tokens               GetSIDs              Print the SIDs owning each process token.         
unloaded_modules     UnloadedModules      Print a list of recently unloaded modules.        
unp_sockets          DarwinUnpListCollect Walks the global list of sockets in uipc_usrreq.  
userassist           UserAssist           Print userassist registry keys and information    
userhandles          UserHandles          Dump the USER handle tables                       
users                Users                Enumerate all users of this system.               
vacbs                EnumerateVacbs       Enumerate all blocks cached in the cache manager. 
vad                  VAD                  Concise dump of the VAD.                          
vaddump              DarwinVadDump        Dump the VMA memory for a process.                
vaddump              IRVadDump            Dump the VMA memory for a process.                
vaddump              VADDump              Dumps out the vad sections to a file              
vaddump              LinVadDump           Dump the VMA memory for a process.                
vadmap               LinuxVADMap          Inspect each page in the VAD and report its       
vadmap               VADMap               Inspect each page in the VAD and report its       
vadmap               DarwinVADMap         Inspect each page in the VAD and report its       
version_modules      ModVersions          Try to determine the versions for all kernel      
version_scan         VersionScan          Scan the physical address space for RSDS versions.
virt_map             WinVirtualMap        Prints the Windows Kernel Virtual Address Map.    
vmscan               VmScan               Scan the physical memory attempting to find       
vtop                 VtoP                 Prints information about the virtual to physical  
vtop                 DarwinVtoP           Describe virtual to physical translation on darwin
vtop                 LinVtoP              Describe virtual to physical translation on Linux 
which_plugin         FindPlugins          Find which plugin(s) are available to produce the 
                                          desired output.                                   
win32k_autodetect    Win32kAutodetect     Automatically detect win32k struct layout.        
windows_stations     WindowsStations      Displays all the windows stations by following    
yarascan             WinYaraScan          Scan using yara signatures.                       
yarascan             ProcessYaraScanner   Yara scan process memory using the                
                                          ReadProcessMemory() API.                          
yarascan             LinYaraScan          Scan using yara signatures.                       
yarascan             DarwinYaraScan       Scan using yara signatures.                       
yarascan_physical    WinPhysicalYaraScann An experimental yara scanner over the physical    
                     er                   address space.                                    
zones                DarwinZoneCollector                                                    
zsh                  Zsh                  Extracts the zsh command history, similar to the  
                                          existing bash plugin.